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p r e s e n t s

B E A U T Y   A N D   T H E    B E A T

S a t u r d a y   2 3 r d   J u l y

Beauty And The Beat have gained a near legendary reputation for hosting dancing parties of impeccable taste in music, a first-rate audiophile sound system and a welcoming, inclusive spirit.


BATB return to Jaminaround with their bespoke sound-system and bags filled with exceptionally funky, wonderfully weird and undeniably danceable records for a special summer party in this unique and wonderfully inspiring building. This will be the third visit of BATB to Jaminaround, an association that is building a legendary reputation of it's own!


In addition there will be a live act to begin the evening. TBC

JaminaroundxBeautyAndTheBeauty 030819-19

J  A  M  I  N  A  R  O  U  N  D

Background photo: Silvia Gin

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